For one to discover their mission could take years of meditation, contemplation, and intense examination of their life as well as skills and interests. However, since most of us do not have the time or patience (thanks to certain societal constraints), we must choose the alternate method: Create it.
After taking a while to reflect inwardly and think about what I've done and what I would like to do, I've come to the conclusion that my mission in life is to develop interactive content for both professional and personal use. To be more specific: Flash and Web based interactive content.
In terms of Web content, I would be satisfied doing anything from a simple bare-bones website to a completely database driven web page that includes forms and interactive applications (games, search engine, etc.).
From my own past experience, I am aware of a company that has accomplished this goal through not only working for them in an internship, but also viewing their recent projects on their web page: Plow Digital.
Plow Digital is a company that specializes in developing interactive content, using various technologies such as Flash, ASP, and PHP. The content various from client to client, but they waste no time in providing effective and enjoyable interactive content. I hope to one day be able to develop such content myself, and already am working towards that goal.
One of the biggest things I hope to learn that they have is 1) knowing your audience 2) being able to interpret the needs of your client 3) having the patience to take time to learn even when in the position already.
I will focus on continuing to learn more skill sets. While already familiar with ActionScript 3 and XHTML/CSS and other web technologies, I plan to also learn C# in the near future (This may change to ASP.Net, as this will more than likely be utilized rather than C#. Regardless either skill set will be very helpful).
In terms of my current skillsets, I plan to enhance them to a point where I can develop similar content created by Plow Digital, in terms of quality as well as capability. However, to imitate will not be my goal. Rather, I wish simply to emulate and, as soon as I’ve reached their level of quality, surpass that level.
Thus ends the explanation of my mission. It is my hope that from this you’ll have a better understanding of myself in terms of where I am and where I wish to be. I know that it will be a long and difficult journey, as is anything worthwhile. However, I will not falter of break; I will continue and reach my goal, regardless of any detractors.