Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Questions - Please let me know what you think

Here are my 3 questions reworked (NOTE: Good or bad, please be honest! The only way to make them better is an HONEST critique!)

Q1: Mediated experiences always have a semblance of order. This is because they are designed by
humans to have a certain order or plan. An experience of nature is one of chaos; while we can make assumptions about what will occur during the experience of nature, we cannot predict or plan every moment or encounter along
with the results, unlike with mediated experiences.

However, when one views a movie and a thunderstorm, the thunderstorm has a beginning. A build up. You see signs of what is to occur; thunder begins to sound and flashes of light can be seen in the clouds above. Then the lightning
strikes in a great climax... thunder sounds and rain pours in a falling action as the strike of lightning reaches its conclusion.

Movies follow this same structure. They hint at what will occur, only for there to be a build up and finally the climax is reached. Then the falling action, followed by the conclusion.

Therefore, it stands to reason to question as to if mediated experiences are an attempt to replicate an experience of nature. Explain if this is true and why or why not.

general settings > allow transfer

Q2: When one considers the self, this can be described as an accumulation of various ideas, images, sounds, etc. that are best understood in self-consciousness as internal mediated experiences.

When we look at MIC technology, these also have the potential to display ideas, images, sounds, etc.

Therefore, the question becomes this: Is MIC technology and the experience of using it responsible for shaping the "self" or does the "self" utilize MIC technology as a form of expression?

Q3: Within Hollywood, the celebrity status is everything; we always care just who Tom Hanks is, what he's doing at every given moment, and his latest roles. Granted, we also care about the films he's in, but people tend to care more about the person.

The exact opposite is true when it comes to technology; very little if any interest is given in the creators, while full attention is on the creation.

The question becomes why does this distinct difference exist? Defend your answer.

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