Monday, March 1, 2010

// Egotism \\

Let us consider the human ego. It is fragile, yet strong. Grand, yet minuscule. It is what drives us to accomplish, to seek the approval of others... sometimes to even shelter ourselves and refuse any human contact whatsoever.

The human ego can be considered the most impressive yet most mundane part of a human and, even more so, humanity itself.

Is it ego that drives progress... or is it progress that drives the ego?

Let us take for example the constant battle between Apple and Microsoft. Apple developed an OS, Microsoft developed an OS. Apple created a brand exclusive MP3 player, so did Microsoft.

Was Microsoft's ego so bruised by each new invention by Apple that they had no choice to create a competing product... or did the sudden realization that most companies that produce electronics leave their ego in a state of discomfort and concern that could only be relieved by "fitting in" and also making an MP3 player?

We see such actions not only in companies, but also in our every day lives. We look at websites, animations, applications and think "That's amazing! I just HAVE to make it!". We need to make it because our ego demands we do so; our ego demands it be satisfied knowing that it can accomplish the challenge set before it. It wants to once again be secure with itself.

Our ego is as much a living thing and part of us as any other organ in our body, if not moreso. Our ego can inspire and cause us to take brave actions... or it can lead us down the path of revenge and depressing.

It is our greatest ally and enemy all at the same time. However... we are to embrace this complex and demanding force.

Our ego cannot be ignored... and if we were to do that, we would simply stay as we are, unmoving and unchanging. The ego, my friends... feeds progress... and progress feeds ego.

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