Thursday, February 18, 2010

// Allocation \\

A temporal existence filled with busy-bodies who feel that our time is well spent only on their desires, on their objectives, on their will, such is the fate of all humanity!

Such is the selfish view of many within our world; he feels that the self is their greatest obligation. This obligation of the self has overridden the programming of our culture, leading to laziness, greed, corruption... and most importantly, it has caused the individual to cause the scales of obligation to become unbalanced, favoring themselves and the more favor they bring towards themselves, the more the scale tips, and eventually the other obligations fall ontop of them and crush them utterly.

That is why I seek not to be obligated to myself solely, rather, to create a balance. Work and play can always co-exist happily, but one must be careful when attempting this balance.

I've struggled with this matter for a long time, often finding education getting in the way of MY wants of MY personal obligations. However, such complaints were the equivilent of a spoiled child, wanting full attention on themselves.

I will be do my work obligations at work, leaving any and all concerns of problems behind. I will complete my educational obligations in a timely manner, rather than leaving them for the very last possible minute. The obligations to my loved ones and friends will be met as I am able, and any other obligations will be completed according to schedule and need.

It is easy to say such things. The true test will be to act. However, I have faith I can properly allocate my time to meet my obligations and still have time for a bit of relaxation.

I understand that these may sound like the selfish ramblings of a madman, however, I ask you simply to consider what I've said.

(NOTE: This may seem a bit clustered, dramatic, and strange, but basically I'm just saying how I'm going to try and balance my time better since it's causing me a lot of headaches NOT balancing it well. Oh, and thanks to all who have replied to my posts! I will learn to reply to everyone's as well! =D )

Thursday, February 11, 2010

// Legitimization \\

Often, one must ask themselves: Is this the right think to do?

Last week, I was challenged with that question when I posed my own question regarding Wikipedia and the ability to edit. Not knowing the restrictions placed on it, I still asked the question. A few things came to mind...

Was I wrong for doing so? No. It is never wrong to ask a question, especially if it allows you to obtain more knowledge. Inadvertantly, I learned quite a bit more about Wikipedia from that one simple question. While I may have nowhere near the experience and knowledge of my fellow classmates, I like to consider myself able enough to be able to ask a question and make a somewhat educated/valid opinion.

The reasoning for this post, you may ask? Well... for one I would feel bad not posting SOMETHING at least once a week! Also, I just wanted to offer my view that, while at times it may not seem like what we say or do doesn't matter or is "stupid" (at least what I've thought of my actions/thoughts), that's not always the case.

The only bad question is the one unasked, the only bad opinion is the one unexpressed.

(Please keep in mind with the above statement, let's not get into how a question/opinion can be bad in and of itself)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

// Observation \\

I've come to learn more things about myself as time goes on through this course. I've found that I've one that has issues when it comes to being confident in my own decisions, along with an unusually high need to do things that peers and perhaps society itself condones.

The question comes: Why? I've been thinking more and more about this, and come to realize it's just something I have to get over. Often this has caused me to second guess myself, perhaps even miss great opportunities.

One must make their own decisions in life, but not completely ignore sense, reason, or completely disregard acceptable "standards". However, I don't wish to simply be one who worries day after day about rather or not what I say or do will ultimately be accepted.

I also have learned that I need to recognize when to act a particular way. For example, saying certain things to one person or group may be bad while perfectly acceptable to another. One would think knowing such things is common sense, but when it comes to me common sense is quite rare at times.

Anyway, I'm glad to have been able to have time to reflect on this and just talk. See you guys Thursday!

// Creation \\

Ultimately, when it comes to what I'd like to be part of creating, it's hard to say. At first I figured something simple like a Flash based website or game, or even an HTML game.

However, after having discovered C# and its usefulness, I've decided I'd like to take part in more. I'd like to first be able to develop a program that has a full interface to simulate interaction in a Medieval environment.

This game could be simple animation with some text, utilizing C# for the interface, as well as working with Flash. Another reason for using C# would be to connect and use a database to grab information on the player as well as other players.

However, I wouldn't mind being part of a team to develop a full immersive VR version of this idea; a simple visor would be used by the individual, everything simulated by a program. One would have the option of using ankle and wrist bands that would work to detect full movement, perhaps even allow one to "feel" things such as the wind in the game world.