Thursday, February 11, 2010

// Legitimization \\

Often, one must ask themselves: Is this the right think to do?

Last week, I was challenged with that question when I posed my own question regarding Wikipedia and the ability to edit. Not knowing the restrictions placed on it, I still asked the question. A few things came to mind...

Was I wrong for doing so? No. It is never wrong to ask a question, especially if it allows you to obtain more knowledge. Inadvertantly, I learned quite a bit more about Wikipedia from that one simple question. While I may have nowhere near the experience and knowledge of my fellow classmates, I like to consider myself able enough to be able to ask a question and make a somewhat educated/valid opinion.

The reasoning for this post, you may ask? Well... for one I would feel bad not posting SOMETHING at least once a week! Also, I just wanted to offer my view that, while at times it may not seem like what we say or do doesn't matter or is "stupid" (at least what I've thought of my actions/thoughts), that's not always the case.

The only bad question is the one unasked, the only bad opinion is the one unexpressed.

(Please keep in mind with the above statement, let's not get into how a question/opinion can be bad in and of itself)


  1. Yeah I learned a lot about Wikipedia that I did not know before. I found it very interesting talking about it in class. I think bringing up the concept that Wikipedia maybe wrong is a good idea. My response to that is if it says the same thing on several different sources than it must be correct.
