Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Questions - Please let me know what you think

Here are my 3 questions reworked (NOTE: Good or bad, please be honest! The only way to make them better is an HONEST critique!)

Q1: Mediated experiences always have a semblance of order. This is because they are designed by
humans to have a certain order or plan. An experience of nature is one of chaos; while we can make assumptions about what will occur during the experience of nature, we cannot predict or plan every moment or encounter along
with the results, unlike with mediated experiences.

However, when one views a movie and a thunderstorm, the thunderstorm has a beginning. A build up. You see signs of what is to occur; thunder begins to sound and flashes of light can be seen in the clouds above. Then the lightning
strikes in a great climax... thunder sounds and rain pours in a falling action as the strike of lightning reaches its conclusion.

Movies follow this same structure. They hint at what will occur, only for there to be a build up and finally the climax is reached. Then the falling action, followed by the conclusion.

Therefore, it stands to reason to question as to if mediated experiences are an attempt to replicate an experience of nature. Explain if this is true and why or why not.

general settings > allow transfer

Q2: When one considers the self, this can be described as an accumulation of various ideas, images, sounds, etc. that are best understood in self-consciousness as internal mediated experiences.

When we look at MIC technology, these also have the potential to display ideas, images, sounds, etc.

Therefore, the question becomes this: Is MIC technology and the experience of using it responsible for shaping the "self" or does the "self" utilize MIC technology as a form of expression?

Q3: Within Hollywood, the celebrity status is everything; we always care just who Tom Hanks is, what he's doing at every given moment, and his latest roles. Granted, we also care about the films he's in, but people tend to care more about the person.

The exact opposite is true when it comes to technology; very little if any interest is given in the creators, while full attention is on the creation.

The question becomes why does this distinct difference exist? Defend your answer.

Monday, March 1, 2010

// Egotism \\

Let us consider the human ego. It is fragile, yet strong. Grand, yet minuscule. It is what drives us to accomplish, to seek the approval of others... sometimes to even shelter ourselves and refuse any human contact whatsoever.

The human ego can be considered the most impressive yet most mundane part of a human and, even more so, humanity itself.

Is it ego that drives progress... or is it progress that drives the ego?

Let us take for example the constant battle between Apple and Microsoft. Apple developed an OS, Microsoft developed an OS. Apple created a brand exclusive MP3 player, so did Microsoft.

Was Microsoft's ego so bruised by each new invention by Apple that they had no choice to create a competing product... or did the sudden realization that most companies that produce electronics leave their ego in a state of discomfort and concern that could only be relieved by "fitting in" and also making an MP3 player?

We see such actions not only in companies, but also in our every day lives. We look at websites, animations, applications and think "That's amazing! I just HAVE to make it!". We need to make it because our ego demands we do so; our ego demands it be satisfied knowing that it can accomplish the challenge set before it. It wants to once again be secure with itself.

Our ego is as much a living thing and part of us as any other organ in our body, if not moreso. Our ego can inspire and cause us to take brave actions... or it can lead us down the path of revenge and depressing.

It is our greatest ally and enemy all at the same time. However... we are to embrace this complex and demanding force.

Our ego cannot be ignored... and if we were to do that, we would simply stay as we are, unmoving and unchanging. The ego, my friends... feeds progress... and progress feeds ego.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

// Allocation \\

A temporal existence filled with busy-bodies who feel that our time is well spent only on their desires, on their objectives, on their will, such is the fate of all humanity!

Such is the selfish view of many within our world; he feels that the self is their greatest obligation. This obligation of the self has overridden the programming of our culture, leading to laziness, greed, corruption... and most importantly, it has caused the individual to cause the scales of obligation to become unbalanced, favoring themselves and the more favor they bring towards themselves, the more the scale tips, and eventually the other obligations fall ontop of them and crush them utterly.

That is why I seek not to be obligated to myself solely, rather, to create a balance. Work and play can always co-exist happily, but one must be careful when attempting this balance.

I've struggled with this matter for a long time, often finding education getting in the way of MY wants of MY personal obligations. However, such complaints were the equivilent of a spoiled child, wanting full attention on themselves.

I will be do my work obligations at work, leaving any and all concerns of problems behind. I will complete my educational obligations in a timely manner, rather than leaving them for the very last possible minute. The obligations to my loved ones and friends will be met as I am able, and any other obligations will be completed according to schedule and need.

It is easy to say such things. The true test will be to act. However, I have faith I can properly allocate my time to meet my obligations and still have time for a bit of relaxation.

I understand that these may sound like the selfish ramblings of a madman, however, I ask you simply to consider what I've said.

(NOTE: This may seem a bit clustered, dramatic, and strange, but basically I'm just saying how I'm going to try and balance my time better since it's causing me a lot of headaches NOT balancing it well. Oh, and thanks to all who have replied to my posts! I will learn to reply to everyone's as well! =D )

Thursday, February 11, 2010

// Legitimization \\

Often, one must ask themselves: Is this the right think to do?

Last week, I was challenged with that question when I posed my own question regarding Wikipedia and the ability to edit. Not knowing the restrictions placed on it, I still asked the question. A few things came to mind...

Was I wrong for doing so? No. It is never wrong to ask a question, especially if it allows you to obtain more knowledge. Inadvertantly, I learned quite a bit more about Wikipedia from that one simple question. While I may have nowhere near the experience and knowledge of my fellow classmates, I like to consider myself able enough to be able to ask a question and make a somewhat educated/valid opinion.

The reasoning for this post, you may ask? Well... for one I would feel bad not posting SOMETHING at least once a week! Also, I just wanted to offer my view that, while at times it may not seem like what we say or do doesn't matter or is "stupid" (at least what I've thought of my actions/thoughts), that's not always the case.

The only bad question is the one unasked, the only bad opinion is the one unexpressed.

(Please keep in mind with the above statement, let's not get into how a question/opinion can be bad in and of itself)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

// Observation \\

I've come to learn more things about myself as time goes on through this course. I've found that I've one that has issues when it comes to being confident in my own decisions, along with an unusually high need to do things that peers and perhaps society itself condones.

The question comes: Why? I've been thinking more and more about this, and come to realize it's just something I have to get over. Often this has caused me to second guess myself, perhaps even miss great opportunities.

One must make their own decisions in life, but not completely ignore sense, reason, or completely disregard acceptable "standards". However, I don't wish to simply be one who worries day after day about rather or not what I say or do will ultimately be accepted.

I also have learned that I need to recognize when to act a particular way. For example, saying certain things to one person or group may be bad while perfectly acceptable to another. One would think knowing such things is common sense, but when it comes to me common sense is quite rare at times.

Anyway, I'm glad to have been able to have time to reflect on this and just talk. See you guys Thursday!

// Creation \\

Ultimately, when it comes to what I'd like to be part of creating, it's hard to say. At first I figured something simple like a Flash based website or game, or even an HTML game.

However, after having discovered C# and its usefulness, I've decided I'd like to take part in more. I'd like to first be able to develop a program that has a full interface to simulate interaction in a Medieval environment.

This game could be simple animation with some text, utilizing C# for the interface, as well as working with Flash. Another reason for using C# would be to connect and use a database to grab information on the player as well as other players.

However, I wouldn't mind being part of a team to develop a full immersive VR version of this idea; a simple visor would be used by the individual, everything simulated by a program. One would have the option of using ankle and wrist bands that would work to detect full movement, perhaps even allow one to "feel" things such as the wind in the game world.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

// Mission \\

It is thought by many that everyone has a purpose in life, rather it be great or small. However, as no living human being possesses this knowledge (for themselves or anyone for that matter), we must find our mission through one of two ways: Discover it or create it.

For one to discover their mission could take years of meditation, contemplation, and intense examination of their life as well as skills and interests. However, since most of us do not have the time or patience (thanks to certain societal constraints), we must choose the alternate method: Create it.

After taking a while to reflect inwardly and think about what I've done and what I would like to do, I've come to the conclusion that my mission in life is to develop interactive content for both professional and personal use. To be more specific: Flash and Web based interactive content.

In terms of Web content, I would be satisfied doing anything from a simple bare-bones website to a completely database driven web page that includes forms and interactive applications (games, search engine, etc.).

From my own past experience, I am aware of a company that has accomplished this goal through not only working for them in an internship, but also viewing their recent projects on their web page: Plow Digital.

Plow Digital is a company that specializes in developing interactive content, using various technologies such as Flash, ASP, and PHP. The content various from client to client, but they waste no time in providing effective and enjoyable interactive content. I hope to one day be able to develop such content myself, and already am working towards that goal.

One of the biggest things I hope to learn that they have is 1) knowing your audience 2) being able to interpret the needs of your client 3) having the patience to take time to learn even when in the position already.

I will focus on continuing to learn more skill sets. While already familiar with ActionScript 3 and XHTML/CSS and other web technologies, I plan to also learn C# in the near future (This may change to ASP.Net, as this will more than likely be utilized rather than C#. Regardless either skill set will be very helpful).

In terms of my current skillsets, I plan to enhance them to a point where I can develop similar content created by Plow Digital, in terms of quality as well as capability. However, to imitate will not be my goal. Rather, I wish simply to emulate and, as soon as I’ve reached their level of quality, surpass that level.

Thus ends the explanation of my mission. It is my hope that from this you’ll have a better understanding of myself in terms of where I am and where I wish to be. I know that it will be a long and difficult journey, as is anything worthwhile. However, I will not falter of break; I will continue and reach my goal, regardless of any detractors.